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Your Donations Help Keep Our Mission Moving Forward

Kitty City Kansas is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  All donated money and items go to support medical and immunizations of our adoptables and the operation of our adoption center.  Some of our intakes require specialized medical care which increases our expenditures.  However, we do whatever is necessary to provide the best outcome for the cat.  If you would like to make a monetary donation, please select from the options below.  They will direct you to our PayPal donation portal where you can use your PayPal account or major credit card.

If you would like to donate items to Kitty City Kansas, please see our Donation Wish List page.  Donated items can be brought to our adoption center during our operational adoption center days and hours.

Thank you for your consideration of our organization.
One-time or Monthly Recurring Sponsorship
$20 One-time Donation for Spay/Neuter
$50 One-time Donation for Food
$100 One-time Donation for Medical Services